Bissetii Version v1.13.1 Release Note

Bissetii version v1.13.1 has a number of changes worth mentioning in its (this) release note. There are notable changes, migrations notes, deprecation notes and etc. It's good to read it through before use.

What’s New

Version v1.13.1 marks an incremental development from v1.13.0. Among the notable changes are documentation updates, a bunch of critical and backward compatible bug fixes, and new additional useful features addition.

The most noticable changes would be Grid Component as new shortcodes, CSS variables, adjustment and updates were done to it.

The second noticable changes would be Card Component as it received a large amount of bug fixes.

The annoying sub-list bulleting bug has been fixed in this repository.

Lastly, a new Align Component was added to make content alignment easier (Finally)!

Hence, if you’re using v1.13.0, be sure to update into this version for a bunch of updated goodies!

Backward Compatible Changes

For backwards compatible changes, here are some of seamless upgardes:

  1. Fix Hugo interface hugo bug where cards still requires grid or embed to render its deck.
  2. Merge internal Meta component into Root component since it is a root component.
  3. Updated .golangci.yml file to match the latest golanci-lint configurations.
  4. Fix Hugo interface iframe shortcode bug where it did not respect a given height value.
  5. Added max-width: 100% to the card component to limit the max size to its parent.
  6. Fix Hugo interface image shortcode bug where width= and height= weren’t set when the shortcode is using repsonsive-amp-only for non-AMP output format.
  7. Fixed Hugo interface link partial function bug where it was disrepecting custom scheme for given URL (e.g. mailto:, tel:, and etc.).
  8. Alters cards shortcode to accept class=, style=, and id= attribute at its .row container level, allowing cards deck level uniformed customization.
  9. Added --grid-column-padding CSS variable for customizing padding spacing to Grid Component .column container.
  10. Fixed sub-listing bullet bug for List Component.
  11. Added Align Component.
  12. Restored data/bissetii/internal directory to keep sensitive internal-use only data files away from user for not distrupting Bissetii rendering.
  13. Fixed Hugo bug where public/ directory was no longer staying in the root directory. It was misconfigured to stay inside .sites/ directory.
  14. Fixed List Component bug where it failed to sub-list with different list types.
  15. Added grid shortcode into Grid Component to grid things easily on Hugo.

Non-Backward Compatible Changes

However, there are some non-backward compatible changes done to for this release. Here are some of the breaking changes:

  1. No such changed for this release.

Deprecation Notice

Certainly, We deprecate a large mumbers of old and outdated components to welcome the new changes. Among them are mainly due to the CSS variable and Component driven development implementations. Hence, please migrate before its stated deadline! Among them are:

  1. Support for form shortcode AMP form extension modules in page front-matter version v1.12.5 and below will be rescinded starting from July 31, 2022. More info at Issue 105.
  2. Support for SVG/ShieldTag shortcode will be rescinded starting from July 31, 2022. More info at: Issue 112.
  3. Support for grid component version v1.12.5 and below will be rescinded starting from July 31, 2022. More info at: Issue 114
  4. Support for color component version v1.12.5 and below will be rescinded starting from July 31, 2022. More info at: Issue 115
  5. Support for navbar component version v1.12.5 and below will be rescinded starting from July 31, 2022. More info at: Issue 116
  6. Support for typography component version v1.12.5 and below will be rescinded starting from July 31, 2022. More info at: Issue 117

Important Migrations Notice

Here are some important notices for moving up to this version from its immediate past version:

  1. No migration notices available.


That’s all for Bissetii v1.13.1 Release Note. If you have any questions, please raise your queries in our Issues Section.