Package footer

import ""

Package footer is the full package for rendering footer content.

The HTML template codes are written in Go’s string format under the corresponding group. This allows one to embed the HTML codes instead of parsing it from file.


All Bissetii Compressed Compiled CSS

const (
	CSSAMP = `footer{display:var(--footer-display);margin:var(--footer-margin);padding:var(--footer-padding);color:var(--footer-color);background:var(--footer-background);border:var(--footer-border)}`

	CSSCritical = `footer{display:var(--footer-display);margin:var(--footer-margin);padding:var(--footer-padding);color:var(--footer-color);background:var(--footer-background);border:var(--footer-border)}`

	CSSTablet = ``

	CSSDesktop = ``

	CSSWidescreen = ``

	CSSPrint = `footer{display:--footer-display-print;-webkit-print-color-adjust:exact;color-adjust:exact;break-inside:avoid}`

	CSSVariables    = ``

	CSSVariablesAMP = ``

Constants for managing the package as a whole.

const (
	// Name is the block name (`{{- define "this-name" -}}`).
	Name = "footer"

	// AMPName is the AMP HTML block name.
	AMPName = internal.AMPPrefix + Name

	// ParametersComment are the list of comment headers
	// describing inputs.
	ParametersComment = `
{{- /* .ID             - javascript unique ID tag                      */ -}}
{{- /* .Class          - CSS class tags                                */ -}}
{{- /* .Style          - inline CSS style statement in HTML attributes */ -}}
{{- /* .Content        - content in HTML ready format                  */ -}}

Full HTML codes for rendering templates without needing to parse file.

const (
	// HTML is the vanilla HTML output type.
	HTML = `
<footer {{- if .ID }} id="{{- .ID }}"{{- end }}

	{{- if .Class }} class="{{- .Class -}}"{{- end }}

	{{- if .Style }} style="{{- .Style -}}"{{- end -}}

	{{ .Content }}

	// AMPHTML is the Accelerated Mobile Pages HTML output type.


type Data struct {
	Copyright  string
	Publishers string

Data is the data structure for rendering the component.