nav-sidebar Component

This page specify how to create nav-sidebar component using Bissetii styling. It serves as the component specification and a manual on interacting with its generator for content generation.

This component is available starting from v1.13.0.


When using Bissetii as Hugo theme, this component implements the main navigation system using nav-sidebar seamlessly starting from version v1.13.0 and above.

By design, although this component allows multiple sidebars, due to limitation with Go’s template data processing, Bissetii restricts the theme to 1 sidebar at a time. However, Bissetii allows some configurations to that sidebar itself.

Module Extension

To use nav-sideebar component, you need to include "nav-sidebar" extension module into your front-matter or the global amp.toml data file. The code pattern is as follows:

extensions = [

Bissetii will automatically includes the extension module seamlessly in accordance to the output format (e.g. amp-sidebar extension module for AMPHTML).

Data Customizations and Configurations

Hugo parses customizations data and configurations data from the following locations, with priority (means first found will be used) and in sequence (means will following source if current is unavailable):

1. data/bissetii/nav-sidebar/<LANGUAGE_CODE>.toml
2. data/bissetii/nav.toml

nav-sidebar will always parse language-code specific configuration file first before parsing the global navigation configuration file. Their formats are the same.

There are a number of customizations and configurations available for deployment.

Customize Title

You can customize the nav-sidebar title using HTML or AMPHTML codes under [Title] table. Example:

HTML = "<p>My Custom Title</p>"
AMPHTML = "<p>My Custom Title</p>"

Leaving them blank (default) will set the value back to using site title.

Customize Menu Trigger Icon

You can customize the nav-sidebar menu icon on the trigger using HTML or AMPHTML code under [Menu] table. By default, the code is wrapped inside a <span> HTML syntax for consistency. Here are the default values in nav.toml file:

HTML = "<span class='nav-sidebar-icon nav-sidebar-menu'>โ˜ฐ</span>"
AMPHTML = "โ˜ฐ"  # content inside <button>

Customize Close Trigger Icon

You can customize the nav-sidebar close icon on the trigger using HTML or AMPHTML code under [Close] table. By default, the code is wrapped inside a <span> HTML syntax for consistency. Here are the default values in nav.toml file:

HTML = "<span class='nav-sidebar-icon nav-sidebar-close'>๐–ท</span>"
AMPHTML = "๐–ท" # content inside <button>

Customize Submenu Icon

You can customize the nav-sidebar submenu icon in the sidebar using HTML or AMPHTML code under [Submenu] table. Here are the default values in nav.toml file:

HTML = "<span class='nav-sidebar-submenu-icon'>โžฃ</span>"
AMPHTML = "<span class='nav-sidebar-submenu-icon'>โžฃ</span>"

By default, Bissetii uses the nav-sidebar-submenu-icon css class to quickly style the given icon. Since that css class rotates the icon by 90 degree with animation, it’s recommended you provide a plain square icon (be it image or text).

Customize Logo Image

You can customize the nav-sidebar logo image in the sidebar using HTML or AMPHTML code under [Logo] table. Here are the default values in nav.toml file:

HTML = ""
URL = "/img/thumbnails/default-1200x1200.png"
Width = "160"  # px unit
Height = "160" # px unit
AltText = ""
Class = "nav-sidebar-logo"

IF HTML or AMPHTML is available, they will be used directly instead in their respective rendering.

Otherwise, Bissetii will process the image URL, Width, Height, AltText, and Class accordingly. The maximum width is the width of the sidebar and recommended width is 160px or 200px square.

For animated images, you’re recommended to use animated image files like webp, gif, or svg.

Setting all HTML, AMPHTML, and URL empty will disable the logo display.

Customize Sidebar Location

By default, Bissetti uses the default settings from nav-sidebar. You can configure your customizations accordingly in the [Sidebar] table. Here are the default values in nav.toml:

RightSide = false
DrawerModeOnly = false
RightSide (boolean)

By default, Bissetii uses left side nav-sidebar. To switch to the right side, set this field to true.

DrawerModeOnly (boolean)

By default, on wider screen like desktop and widescreen category, the sidebar is set to be always expanded. If you wish to retain the drawer form like the mobile version, set this to true.


Coming Soon.


This section covers how to deploy the component using various HTML codes. Depending on the type of HTML you’re working on, please view the sub-sections accordingly.

Vanilla HTML5

In general, nav-sidebar relies on the <input type=[checkbox]> and its <label> trick to perform actionable CSS toggling without relying on Javascript. Hence, the overall pattern looks something as such:

<nav class="nav-sidebar">
	<input id="nav-sidebar-[shasumUID]"
	<label class="nav-sidebar-trigger" for="nav-sidebar-[shasumUID]">
		<span class="nav-sidebar-icon nav-sidebar-menu">
			... menu button HTML code here ...
		<span class="nav-sidebar-icon nav-sidebar-close">
			... close button HTML code here ...
	<label class="nav-sidebar-shade" for="nav-sidebar-[shasumUID]">
	<ul class="nav-sidebar-list">
		... list items here ...

Basically, both the triggering buttons and shading layout are <label> to the corresponding checkbox via the for= HTML attribute targeting the <input>’s id= attributes.

Each nav-sidebar must have its unique ID (the [shasumID]) in order to differenciate itself from one another.

Also, the positioning for the all the following HTML syntax must strictly conform to the hirarchy shown above as Bissetii uses relative sibling to style them against one another:

  1. <input class="nav-sidebar-trigger">
  2. <label class="nav-sidebar-trigger">
  3. <label class="nav-sidebar-shade">
  4. <ul class="nav-sidebar-list>

Multiple Sidebars

For the time being, Bissetii only tested a maximum of 2 sidebars at a time (left and right). As long as every nav-sidebar has its own unique ID for operations, both sidebars should be working fine.

To go beyond 2 sidebars, it’s at your own risk since Bissetii page layouts does not offer a lot of options to render the extra sidebars beyond left and right.

Maintaining maximum of 2 sidebars is also complaint to AMP HTML counterpart since they too have layout restrictions for those build website using “single content, multiple outputs” rendering.

Right Side

Bissetii does prepare styling for right side in case there is a need. To do that, simply add .right-side css class tag onto the <nav> HTML syntax, such that:

<nav class="nav-sidebar right-side">

This will “flip” te sidebar from the default left side to the right side.

Maintain Drawer Effect For Larger Screen

Bissetii by default auto-expand all sidebars on larger screen like larger tablet, desktop, and widescreen. If you wish to maintain the drawer effect like the mobile version, simply add .drawer css class tag onto the <nav> HTML syntax, such that:

<nav class="nav-sidebar drawer">

Trigger Button Positioning

The trigger button positioning is default to top-left edge or top-right edge. It is always in fixed position. To customize its vertical position and its design, simply adjust it using the CSS variables accordingly. See CSS section for more info.

List Items

nav-sidebar uses conventional list item <li> to populate your list. Although you’re free to develop your own listing and styling, Bissetii made 3 types of styling classes for those who wants quick and seamless styling.

The first styling class is the title and logo list item. The HTML code is as follows:

<li class="nav-sidebar-title">
	<img class="nav-sidebar-logo" ... >
	<p>Title Here</p>

The list item <li> must have the .nav-sidebar-title css class tag in order for Bissetii to style upon.

The logo image should have the the .nav-sidebar-logo css class tag in order to restrict the image dimension properly.

As for the title wording, please use paragraph <p> instead of any level of heading since it’s not part of the content.

The second styling class is the simple link list item. The HTML code is as follows:

<li class="nav-sidebar-link">
	<a href="...">
		<span class="pre">icon</span>
		<span>Link Title Here</span>

The list item must have the .nav-sidebar-link css class tag in order to allow Bissetii to know where to style it.

Immediately inside shall be a single anchor HTML syntax (a) defining your hyperlink. Nothing else should be inside it.

As for the content of the link, set a <span class="pre"> or <pre> allows you to define your list item icon. You’re free to place anything inside ranging from emoji to image.

As for the remaining title, wrapping it with a <span> syntax is recommended.

The third list item is the sub-menu, allowing you to populate additional sub-list recursively. The HTML code is as follows:

<li class="nav-sidebar-submenu">
	<input id="nav-sidebar-submenu-[shasumUID]" type="checkbox">
	<label for="nav-sidebar-submenu-[shasumUID]">
		<span class="nav-sidebar-submenu-icon">ICON HERE</span>
		<span>List Title Here</span>
	<ul id="nav-sidebar-submenu-[shasumUID]">
		... repeat all link child recursively ...

The list item must have nav-sidebar-submenu css class tag for Bissetii to apply sub-menu styling and animation.

Similar to the parent, sub-menu needs to have its own checkbox input field and its associated label acting as a trigger. All <input>, <label>, and list (<ul> or <ol>) must have unique ID as its id= HTML attributes.

Optionally, if you want to facilitate a sub-menu icon but use Bissetii prepared animation and styling, wrap it in a <span> syntax with .nav-sidebar-submenu-icon CSS class syntax. Bissetii animates it by rotating the icon 90 degrees anti-clockwise when open and vice versa.

Inside the list (<ul> or <ol>), you can populate the link items <li> again recursively.

However, please be reminded to check with the latest SEO recommendations where there should be a limit of depth in your sitemap layouts.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

As for AMPHTML codes, the <amp-sidebar> is used so you will need to import that component in before use. Please check the documentation for its latest guide. It should look something as such:

<script async custom-element="amp-sidebar" src=""></script>

Unlike Vanilla HTML5, the AMP requires the entire sidebar to be at the <body> level. The AMPHTML code is as follows:


<nav class="nav-sidebar">
	<button class="nav-sidebar-icon nav-sidebar-menu"
		... MENU ICON HERE ...
<amp-sidebar id="nav-sidebar-[shasumUID]"
	<button id="nav-sidebar-[shasumUID]"
		class="nav-sidebar-icon nav-sidebar-close"
	<ul class="nav-sidebar-list">
		... LIST ITEM HERE ...

The first difference is that the close button resides inside the sidebar as compared to vanilla HTML5. The button’s Javascript trigger point must acts onto the <amp-sidebar>’s id= HTML attribute. Hence, all buttons and sidebar MUST have the same unique ID ([shasumUID]) in order to work properly. Due to the split buttons, the animation is different in AMP due to the use of its component Javascript as required.

The second difference is it has lesser HTML code inside the <amp-sidebar> since the AMP Sidebar Javascript did all the heavy lifting for triggering and animation.

All the list items is the same as Vanilla HTML5. Please do note that the sub-menu list item is still relying on the checkbox input implementations to work properly.

Right Side

To set the sidebar towards the right side, apart from adding .right-side css class tags into <nav> and <amp-sidebar> AMP HTML syntax, you also need to set the side=attribute to“right”inside`. The code changes are as follow:

<nav class="nav-sidebar right-side">
<amp-sidebar ...
	class="nav-sidebar right-side"

Multiple Sidebars

It is unclear whether AMP supports multiple sidebars natively since AMP’s objective is to keep things simple while multiple sidebars simply means the opposite. Hence, you can try at your own risk.

Vanilla HTML5 Comaptibility

In any cases, the Vanilla HTML5 version nav-sidebar is not compatible with AMPHTML. Hence, you need to plan out your contents appropriately abide to AMP standards.


This section covers all the CSS component customization using CSS variables. The customization allows you to inline the settings in your HTML code without altering the compiled CSS assets to meet your user interface requirements.

Depending on how “globally” you plan to apply your customization, Bissetii recommends apply the variable changes inline with style= HTML attributes to specific HTML syntax respectively.

Example, to change a particular nav-sidebar width to 80% and background to aquamarine, we apply it at the <nav> and <amp-sidebar> accordingly:

<nav class="nav-sidebar"
	style="--nav-sidebar-width: 80%; --nav-sidebar-background: aquamarine;">

There are a bunch of known sub-components that have their respective customization CSS variables.

Overall Sidebar

These CSS variables affect the overall sidebar layouts.


Affects the expanded sidebar width. Acceptable values must comply to width: and max-width: CSS fields. The default is 75%.


Affects the expanded sidebar width when presented in tablet screen dimension. Acceptable values must comply to width: and max-width: CSS fields. The default is var(--sidebar-width).


Affects the expanded sidebar width when presented in desktop screen dimension and the sidebar is in drawer mode (has .drawer css class). Acceptable values must comply to width: and max-width: CSS fields. The default is var(--sidebar-width).


Affects the expanded sidebar width when presented in widrescreen screen dimension and the sidebar is in drawer mode (has .drawer css class). Acceptable values must comply to width: and max-width: CSS fields. The default is var(--sidebar-width).


Affects the expanded sidebar height. Acceptable value must comply to height: and max-height: CSS fields. The default values are:

  1. mobile: 100vh
  2. tablet: 100vh
  3. desktop: 100%
  4. widescreen: 100%


Affects the sidebar z-index vertical layering. Acceptable values must comply to z-index: CSS field. The default is var(--z-index-nav).


Affects the sidebar’s overall background. The acceptable values must comply to background: CSS field. The default is rgba(0,0,0,.9).


Affects the sidebar’s overall padding. Acceptable values must comply to padding: CSS field. The default is 0.


Affects the sidebar’s list vertical alignment using column flex display mechanism. Acceptable values must comply to justify-content: CSS field. The default is flex-start.


Affects the sidebar’s layout location. The acceptable values shall be the one facilitated by the overall grid definitions. Bissetii supplies the following values under its own default layouts:

  1. sidebar (default)
  2. rsidebar (when .right-side is enabled)

If you’re using your own layout, you need to specify your grid-area name where a given sidebar shall be rendered onto.


Affects the sidebar animation timing. The acceptable values shall comply to transition: CSS field. The default value is: var(--animate-fast).

The following variables shall affect the trigger button that opens and closes the sidebar drawer.


Affects the trigger’s text coloring for text-based icons. Acceptable values shall comply with color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-grey-50).

Image based icons are not affected by this field.


Affects the trigger’s font size for text-based icons. Acceptable values shall comply with font-size: CSS field. The default is x-large.

Image based icons are not affected by this field.


Affects the trigger’s font weight for text based icons. Acceptable values shall comply with font-weight: CSS field. The default is bold.

Image based icons are not affected by this field.


Affects the top positioning of the trigger. Acceptable value shall comply with top: CSS field. The default is 0.


Affects the trigger’s overall size. Acceptable values shall comply with both width: and height: CSS fields, forming a square dimension. The default is 5rem.


Affects the trigger’s animation transform type when triggered. Acceptable values shall comply with transform: CSS field. The default is rotate(360deg).


Affects the trigger’s z-index layering dimension. Acceptable values shall comply with z-index: field. The default is var(--z-index-max).


Affects the trigger’s button border radius roundness shaping. Acceptable values shall comply with border-radius: CSS field. Default is: 0 0 50% 0.

Shade Triggering Layer (a.k.a. Overlay)

The following variables affects the triggering shade layer right beneath the sidebar when opened. Usually it is the opaque white or opaque black. The purpose is to capture user pressing or clicking on background to return back to main content.


Affects the triggering shade’s background. Acceptable value shall comply with background: CSS field. The default is rgba(255,255,255,.8).


Affects the triggering shade’s z-index layering dimension. Acceptable values shall comply with z-index: CSS field. The default is var(--z-index-nav-overlay).

The following variables affects the list item (<li>) carrying .nav-sidebar-title class.


Affects the text color inside the list item. Acceptable value shall comply with color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-grey-50).


Affects the text font size inside the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with font-size: CSS field. The default is xx-large.


Affects the horizontal text alignment inside the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with text-align: CSS field. The default is center.


Affects the text styling transformation inside the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with text-transform: CSS field. The default is uppercase.


Affects the text font weight inside the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with font-weight: CSS field. The default is 300.


Affects the text line height inside the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with line-height: CSS field. The default is auto.

The following variables affect the logo image tag with .nav-sidebar-logo css class tag.


Affects the logo 4 directional margin spacing. Acceptable values shall comply with margin: CSS field. The default is 3rem auto 0 auto.

The following variables affect the list item <li> holding the .nav-sidebar-link css class tag.

Affects the text line height in the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with line-height: CSS field. The default is 3.5rem.

Affects the padding spacing of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with padding: CSS field. The default is .8rem.

Affects the background of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with background: CSS field. The default is transparent.

Affects the horizontal alignment of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with justify-content: CSS field. The default is flex-start.

Affects the vertical alignment of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with align-items: CSS field. The default is center.

Affects the text color of the list item. Acceptable value shall comply with color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-grey-50).

Affects the text transformation of the list item. Acceptable value shall comply with text-transform: CSS field. The default is captialize.

Affects the text vertical alignment of the list item. Acceptable value shall comply with vertical-align: CSS field. The default is middle.

Affects the spacing between pre icon and the content of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with border-right: CSS field. The default value is 1rem.

Affects the padding spacing for the pre icon inside the list item’s content. Acceptable values shall comply with padding: CSS field. The default value is 0 var(--nav-sidebar-link-pre-spacing) 0 0.

Affects the margin spacing for the pre icon inside the list item’s content. Acceptable values shall comply with margin: CSS field. The default value is 0.

Affects the background for the pre icon inside the list item’s content. Acceptable values shall comply with background: CSS field. The default value is transparent.

Affects the text color of the list item when it is tagged with .active css class. Acceptable value shall comply with color: CSS field. The default value is var(--color-c700).

Affects the text color of the list item when it being focused by user cursor. Acceptable value shall comply with color: CSS field. The default value is var(--color-c500).

Affects the text color of the list item when it being hovered by user cursor. Acceptable value shall comply with color: CSS field. The default value is var(--color-c500).

Affects the background of the link item when it is tagged with .active css class. Acceptable values shall comply with background: CSS field. The default value is: rgba(0,0,0,.35).

Affects the background of the link item when it is being focused by user cursor. Acceptable values shall comply with background: CSS field. The default value is: rgba(0,0,0,.75).

Affects the background of the link item when it is being hovered by user cursor. Acceptable values shall comply with background: CSS field. The default is rgba(0,0,0,.75).

Affects the animation timing of the link item. Acceptable values shall comply with transition: CSS field. The default is var(--animated-short).

Affects the border top or border bottom that separates each list item. Acceptable values shall comply with border-top: and border-bottom: CSS fields. The default is 1px solid var(--color-grey-700).

Affects the border left of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with border-left: and border-right CSS fields. The default value is none.

Affects the border right of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with border-left: and border-right: CSS fields. The default value is 4px solid var(--color-p300).

Affects the text alignment of the list item. Acceptable values shall comply with text-align: CSS field. The default value is left.

The following variables affect the list item (<li>) having the .nav-sidebar-submenu css class tag.


Affects the margin for the submenu list item. Acceptable values shall comply with margin: CSS field. The default is 1rem 0 1rem 1rem.


Affects the padding for the submenu list item. Acceptable values shall comply with padding: CSS field. The default is .8rem 0 .8rem .8rem.


Affects the animation definition for the submenu list item. Acceptable values shall comply with animation: CSS field. The default is nav-sidebar-submenu var(--animate-rapid) both.


Affects the animation definition for the submenu list item’s pre icon. Acceptable values shall comply with animation: CSS field. The default value is nav-sidebar-submenu-icon var(--animate-rapid) both.


Affects the sidebar display during print mode. Acceptable values shall comply with display: CSS field. The default value is none.


This component does not use any Javascript.


Bissetii uses Dart Sass to compile the styling Sass codes into CSS file. This component’s Sass codes is available at the following location:


Bissetii does not package and ship Sass codes explictly. Unless CSS variables customization is insufficient and in absolute necessary, please view them via the git repository.


Here are the researches done to ensure Image component meets the necessarily quality assurances:

  1. Navigation Sidebar Web User Interface Architectural Design Analysis (


That is all about nav-sidebar component in Bissetii. If you need more feature or encountered a bug, please feel free to contact us by filing an issue ticket at our Issue Section. We will be glad to help you.