DefList Component

DefList (Definition List) is the component that defines a list of items. This is commonly used for arconym definitions and quick name-value labelling. Bissetii supportes DefList seemlessly with its W3C tags out of the box.

This component is available starting from v1.11.0.


Hugo supports DefList seamlessly so no special development is required.


Coming Soon.


Bissetii supports DefList component seamlessly across multiple output formats. Additionally, starting from version v1.13.0, the use of CSS variable is vital for its upgrade from v1.12.5.

Bissetii HTML codes for this component are the same for Vanilla HTML5 and AMPHTML.

Bissetii facilitates multiple <dd> definition list by default. One HTML example pattern would be:

	<dd>The core of our solar system.</dd>
		Primary source of energy. Its body is primarily consisting of
		hot plasma consistently dumping light and heat energies to its
		Provides heats and gives life to plants on Earth.

	<dd>FIRST planet away from Sun.</dd>

	<dd>SECOND planet away from Sun.</dd>

	<dd>THIRD planet away from the Sun.</dd>
	<dd>Contains organic life on and inside the planet.</dd>

This will render as:

The core of our solar system.
Primary source of energy. Its body is primarily consisting of hot plasma consistently dumping light and heat energies to its surrounding.
Provides heats and gives life to plants on Earth.
FIRST planet away from Sun.
SECOND planet away from Sun.
THIRD planet away from the Sun.
Contains organic life on and inside the planet.


Bissetii provided a list of CSS variables dedicated for list styling alteration without needing to recompile Sass. These variables are best applied directly to the List HTML tags. Example:

<dl style="--dl-padding: 25px;">
	<dt style="--dt-font-weight: lighter;">...</dt>
	<dd style="--dd-margin: 100px;">...</dd>


Set the DefList overflow. The acceptable value shall be compatible with overflow: CSS field. The default is auto.


Set the DefList padding. The acceptable value shall be compatible with padding: CSS field. The default is 0.5rem.


Set the DefList border. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-top: CSS field. The default is 1px solid var(--color-primary-500).


Set the term (<dt>)’s font weight. The acceptable value shall be compatible with font-weight: CSS field. The default is bold.


Set the term (<dt>)’s margin spacing. The acceptable value shall be compatible with margin: CSS field. The default is 0.5rem.


Set the term (<dt>)’s padding spacing. The acceptable value shall be compatible with padding: CSS field. The default is 0.5rem.


Set the term (<dt>)’s top border styling. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-top: CSS field. The default is 1px solid var(--color-grey-400) for all and none for the first of type.


Set the definition (<dd>)’s margin spacing. The acceptable value shall be compatible with margin: CSS field. The default is 0 0 0 2.5rem.


Set the definition (<dd>)’s padding spacing. The acceptable value shall be compatible with padding: CSS field. The default is 0 0 0 5rem.


This component does not rely on any Javascript.


Depending on release version, the Sass files work differently. Bissetii does not package Sass codes explictly so please view them via the git repository.

v1.13.0 and Above

Bissetii uses Dart Sass to compile the styling Sass codes into CSS file. This component’s Sass codes are available at the following location:


v1.12.5 and Before

The Sass scripts responsible for styling the component are located in:



Here are the researches done to ensure DefList component meets the necessary quality assurances:



That’s all about DefList component in Bissetii. If you need more feature or need to report a bug, please feel free to file an issue at our Issue Section.