Button Component

Button as the name implies, is the clickable knob meant for users to pressed onto. Button is commonly used in forms and link styling for implying clickable items. Bissetii prepared a number of CSS styles to support native button-like HTML5 syntax from W3C.

This component is available starting from v1.11.0.


Hugo supports Button seamlessly so no special development is required.


Coming Soon


Bissetii supports Button component seamlessly across multiple output formats. Additionally, starting from version v1.13.0, the use of CSS variable is vital for its upgrade from v1.12.5.

Bissetii HTML codes for this component are the same for Vanilla HTML5 and AMPHTML.

The HTML5 <button> Tag

Bissetii automatically styles <button> seamlessly regardless it is inside the <form> or otherwise. Hence, no additional steps are required unless applying quick styling.

Here is an example:

<button type="button">Default</button>
<button type="button" class="outline">Outline</button>
<button type="button" class="clean">Clean</button>
<button type="button" disabled>Disabled</button>
<button type="button" class="outline" disabled>Outline Disabled</button>
<button type="button" class="clean" disabled>Clean Disabled</button>

This will render as:

The HTML5 <input type="submit|button|reset"> Tag

Bissetii also automatically styles <input type="submit|button|reset"> seamlessly working closely with Form Component. Hence, no additional steps are required unless applying quick styling.

Here is an example:

<input type="submit" name="submit[login]" value="Login" />
<input type="submit" name="submit[add-user]" class="outline" value="Add User" />
<input type="submit" name="submit[delete-user]" class="clean" value="Delete User" />
<input type="submit" name="submit[login]" value="Login" disabled />
<input type="submit" name="submit[add-user]" class="outline" value="Add User" disabled />
<input type="submit" name="submit[delete-user]" class="clean" value="Delete User" disabled />

This will render as:

Your Instruction?

The CSS Class .button Tag

In the case where <button> and <input type="submit"> is not applicable such as Anchor “Link” Component, Bissetii prepared .button tag to the object as a button.

Here is an example:

<a href="#" class="button">Default</a>
<a href="#" class="button outline">Outline</a>
<a href="#" class="button clean">Clean</a>
<a href="#" class="button disabled">Default Disabled</a>
<a href="#" class="button outline disabled">Outline Disabled</a>
<a href="#" class="button clean disabled">Clean Disabled</a>

This will render as:

Default Outline Clean Default Disabled Outline Disabled Clean Disabled

Quick Styling

For some applications, Bissetii prepared a number of quick styling CSS classes to quickly customize the button outlook.

.outline CSS class

The .outline CSS class set the button to appear as outline when it is not under hover or focus statuses.

.clean CSS class

The .clean CSS class set the button to remain clean with no background and border when it is not under hover or focus statuses.

.pinpoint CSS class

The .pinpoint CSS class is NO LONGER used since it is now the default styling.


Bissetii provided a list of CSS variables dedicated for Button styling alteration without needing to recompile Sass. Depending on the area of effects, these variables are best applied directly to <body> or the Button HTML tags respectively. Example:

<body style="--button-color-focus: white;
	--button-background-focus: crimson;
	--button-border-color-focus: crimson;">
	<button style="--button-color: crimson;
		--button-color-invert: crimson;
		--button-background: white;">


Affects the display mode of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with display: CSS field. The default is inline-block.


Affects the opacity visibility of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with opacity: CSS field. The default is 1.


Affects the animation transition timing of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with transition: CSS field. The default is var(--animation-timing-normal).


Affects the margin spacing of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with margin: CSS field. The default is .5rem 1.2rem.


Affects the padding spacing of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with padding: CSS field. The default is 1.5rem.


Affects the edge roundness of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-radius: CSS field. The default is .4rem.


Affects the content and text coloration of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-grey-50).


Affects the background styling of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with background: CSS field. The default is var(--color-primary-500).


Affects the border thickness of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-width: CSS field. The default is .3rem.


Affects the border style of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-style: CSS field. The default is solid.


Affects the border color of the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-primary-500).


Affects the text’s font size inside the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with font-size: CSS field. The default is 1.35rem.


Affects the text’s font weight inside the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with font-weight: CSS field. The default is 700.


Affects the text’s letter spacing inside the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with letter-spacing: CSS field. The default is .1rem.


Affects the text alignment in the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with text-align: CSS field. The default is center.


Affects the text decoration in the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with text-decoration: CSS field. The default is none.


Affects the text transformation in the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with text-transform: CSS field. The default is uppercase.


Affects the content and text overflow wrapping behavior in the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with overflow-wrap: CSS field. The default is break-word.


Affects the content and text breaking behavior during an overflow wrapping inside the Button. The acceptable value shall be compatible with word-break: CSS field. The default is break-word.


Affects the content and text color when the Button is applied with .outline or .clean CSS class tags. The acceptable value shall be compatible with color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-primary-500).


Affects the content and text color when the Button is hovered or focused. The acceptable value shall be compatible with color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-grey-50).


Affects the background styling when the Button is hovered or focused. The acceptable value shall be compatible with background-focused: CSS field. The default is var(--color-contrast-700).


Affects the border color when the Button is hovered or focused. The acceptable value shall be compatible with border-color: CSS field. The default is var(--color-contrast-700).


Affects the opacity visibility when the Button is disabled including anchor link (<a>). The acceptable value shall be compatible with opacity: CSS field. The default is .5.


This component does not rely on any Javascript.


Depending on release version, the Sass files work differently. Bissetii does not package Sass codes explictly so please view them via the git repository.

v1.13.0 and Above

Bissetii uses Dart Sass to compile the styling Sass codes into CSS file. This component’s Sass codes are available at the following location:


v1.12.5 and Below

The Sass scripts responsible for styling the component are located in:


Currently, the Sass script offers 3 types of styling:

  1. normal - light background to contrast heavy background.
  2. pinpoint - heavy background to contrast heavy background.
  3. clean - colored text with transparent background.

For colors, they are currently limited to theme-based colors.


Here are the researches done to ensure Button component meets the necessary quality assurances:



That’s all about Button component in Bissetii. If you need more feature or need to report a bug, please feel free to file an issue at our Issue Section.